Enabling outstanding
relationships through
inspired systems solutions

Return on Investment

ROI DiceCustomers have more choices now than they have ever had in the past. They are more demanding and have higher expectations of product and service quality than they have ever had in the past. A new customer costs considerably more to attract than an existing one costs to maintain. The return on investment for implementing an effective and efficient customer feedback solution will be quicker than you think.

Tagish welcomes the opportunity to explore possible Return On Investment (ROI) opportunities attributable with your organisations current complaints and feedback management processes. Our expertise and industry knowledge, gathered over 14 years in the complaints and feedback sector means we are able to quickly identify any operational inefficiencies associated with your organisation's current complaints and feedback process, detailing specific costs associated with those inefficiencies and highlighting ROI opportunities, typically realised within 6 months.

The implementation of a Tagish complaints and feedback solution can also provide your organisation with the following tangible business benefits:

  • A modernised and fit for purpose solution
  • A reliable and robust complaints and feedback process to meet and exceed customer expectations
  • Stabilise at risk customer relationships
  • Free-up high value staff resource to deliver greater returns to the organisation
  • Engender customer loyalty protecting future revenues
  • Avoid the reputational damage associated with complaint escalation to industry regulators/ombudsman
  • Reduce operational expense through the identification and rectification of internal system and process flaws
  • Improve revenues through a continual customer focused product